Mobile Targets Wins Business Award - 9/4/10
Mobile Targets won a business award for it's application of business technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard. The award named the
Model of Admin Know-How Award is awarded to business which prove standard application of the technologies developed by Mr. Hubbard including the company having trained staff, a company organizing board, financially solvent and being an ethical company, just to name a few of the requirements. There were around 100 recipients of this award in the Eastern United States this year. Mobile Targets is proud to be one of them. This award was presented by
WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises). The WISE is a non-profit organization with the goal of producting an ethical, sane and prosperous civilization through the use of L. Ron Hubbard's technology.
OEC, L. RON HUBBARD, HUBBARD, LRH and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with permission. Scientologist is a collective membership mark designating the members of the affiliated churches and missions of Scientology. WISE, the WISE LOGO, PROSPERITY, MODEL OF ADMIN KNOW-HOW and the LIONESS & CUBS SYMBOL are trademarks, service marks and collective membership marks owned by World Institute of Scientology Enterprises.